Leyda Aleman, Executive Coach & Everything DiSC® Facilitator, a highly trained senior certified HR professional with more than a decade of experience, commitment and dedication to providing HR strategy, direction, support, and professional coaching opportunities.
She is a highly sought-after and well-known HR Executive, Mentor and Leadership Coach who works with executives from around the world to help identify developmental opportunities for both individuals and organizations. Leyda founded Human Capital Consultants International after partnering with her mentor, the renowned Leadership expert John C. Maxwell. Throughout her 15-year career as a strategic and innovative leader, she has consistently expressed a keen passion and desire to make a difference in people’s lives. She believes in adding value by helping them realize their significance and potential to lead extraordinary and fulfilled lives; This to her, continues to be the greatest reward of all.
Q: Why did you choose your present industry at this time?
Everything started back in 2009. It was while attending a leadership conference where John C. Maxwell was a headline speaker That day, I explored the “big question” and discovered my passion, my life’s purpose. The big question for me was not so much about “Why are you here?” But more to do with, “What will it take for me to improve and multiply?”. That was the day that I discovered that personal growth is a life-long journey which is lived out day by day. I learned the power of personal goal setting with accountability and it changed my life forever. That was the day I chose to move forward to be side-by-side with the top leadership expert in the world, John Maxwell, to grow, both personally and professionally and receive the knowledge, training, years of experience, and the life-long support, that is needed to become a top leader. I was really determined to make radical changes in my life and trade security for significance, immediate pleasure for personal growth, acceptable for excellent, and addition for multiplication.

Q: What is the best/worst moment you can remember in your career?
The worst moment in my career was forgetting my mother’s birthday. I was 24 years old, starting my first business, juggling between a full-time job and being a full-time student with too many priorities, overestimating the results and underestimating the process. The best moment was when I discovered my calling, my life’s purpose.
Q: Who is your role model or hero?
My mother. She’s my hero and role model.
Q: What is your favorite book?
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

I tell my time where to go instead of wondering where it went.
~ Leyda Aleman
Q: Do you use any specific method or system to run daily operations of your business?
Unscheduled time flows to trivial tasks, falls under the sway of the assertive personalities around us, and surrenders to every emergency that arises. I tell my time where to go instead of wondering where it went. Sticking to a predetermined schedule guards my time and puts me in control of my agenda. I ask myself every day two critical questions. 1) What’s required of me? 2) What gives me the greatest return? Then I follow the 80/20 principle and spend my energy, time and money on the top 20% of High Importance/High Urgency and High Importance/Low Urgency tasks.
1. Schedule in advance: I work a couple of months ahead. Put top priorities on the calendar first, making sure keep my family (my daily/monthly/annual irreducible minimums) at the top of the list. I don’t fill every space in my calendar. Activity is not necessarily accomplishment.
2. Resist the urge to overschedule. For years I’ve always had a tendency to overschedule. I used to pride myself on how I valued and prioritized my time and how crazy and busy I was. I had mistakenly convinced myself that if I could keep to the schedule and work fast and long enough, I would get to a place where I was caught up on everything. I now make room for margin and leave some free time to deal with unexpected events or to fit in an unforeseen appointment and filter out meetings or involvements that eat away time and offer little in return.
3. Create large chunks of time. Most of the truly important work I do requires large chunks of unbroken time to complete. So, the ability to carve out and use these blocks of peak-value, highly productive time is central to my ability to make significant contributions to our company. So, I studied my natural rhythm and carve out space on my calendar to perform my most important work during the time of day when I function best. Typically, is in the evening.
Q: Looking back - if you could advise a younger version of yourself to do something different - what would it be?
I would tell her to…
- Learn a new definition of failure.
- Take action and reduce your fear.
- Say good-bye to yesterday.
- Realize that today’s best will NOT meet tomorrow’s challenges.
- Change your response to failure by accepting responsibility.
- Work on the weakness that weakens you.
- Understand there’s not much difference between failure and success.
- Get up, get over it, get going.
- Realize there is one difference between average people and achieving people.
- Enjoy and trust the process.
Follow Leyda on Twitter: @leyda_aleman