Throughout her career, Nicole Enslein has successfully launched new brands, reinvented well-known brands, and created new product categories for Fortune 500 companies.
As CEO & Founder of Sublime Communications, she led the development of a multi-channel global advertising campaign, for Cylance, a leading cyber security company, which in a single year generated over 500% growth in revenue for the company. Over the course of the past year, the Sublime team to become the AOR for Eureka vacuums, reinvigorating the forgotten brand and making it relevant again.
Prior to Sublime Communications, as Director of National Advertising for UPS, Nicole developed a new strategy to reposition and update the company with their long-standing campaign, “What can Brown do for you?” Along the way she managed a diverse portfolio of brands for leading companies including: Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Wyeth, L’Oreal, Citibank, TD Ameritrade, Bayer, AstraZeneca, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Andrew Jergens, Liz Claiborne, Brown-Forman, Ferrero Rocher, Waterford Wedgwood and Boar’s Head Provisions. Through Nicole’s vision and leadership, her team exceeded revenue projections for Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. She worked on the EFFIE Award-winning campaign that introduced SmithKline’s NicoDerm CQ, catapulting it to category leadership. She has even patented new technology for Pfizer.

Q: What would you like to see your team accomplish in 2019?
Typically, whenever someone answers this question they say growth. But to me growth means so much more. I want our agency to grow without losing its culture. We want to grow both organically with existing clients, by bringing in new clients, but most importantly I want everyone on my team to grow personally and professionally.

Q: Who is your role model or hero?
It’s tough to name just one, I’ve met so many inspiring women business executives. However, at an Inc. conference I had the pleasure of meeting and listening to the story of two incredible marketers, Soul Cycle Co-founders Elizabeth Cutler and Julie Rice. They built an empire on their shared vision: to create an alternative to the fitness routines that felt like work. Together, they developed an inspiring workout that's as efficient as it is joyful — an experience that's the best part of our riders’ day, every day, and that has transformed their relationship to exercise.
Q: What is your favorite book?
The Memoirs of Cleopatra is my favorite book. While the common thinking is that she did her magic through seduction, Cleopatra actually was one of history’s greatest strategists. Driven by ambition, she seeks out the most powerful man in the world, Julius Caesar. She does not end until, having survived the assassination of Caesar and the defeat of the second man she loves, Marc Antony, she plots her own death. Death was preferable to paraded through the streets of Rome.

Q: Do you use any specific method or system to run daily operations?
I believe in transparency and open lines of communication, but when it comes to keeping everyone in the loop, we tend to use Basecamp. We have used it effectively to connect parts of the team across time zones and across the pond. We’ve used many different systems from Slack to Skype to Zoom and more, still I find there’s nothing quite as effective as an in-person conversation.
Women are powerful. We need to support one another and bolster each other.
~ Nicole Enslein
Q: Why did you choose your present industry at this time?
At this moment in history, there is a huge opportunity to fuel the future and contribute to the sisterhood of executives in the marketing and communications industry. Mentoring is my way of paying it forward. Women are powerful. We need to support one another and bolster each other. Together there is nothing we can’t achieve.
Q: What is the best/worst moment you can remember in your career?
Beyond building my own agency, Sublime Communications, the best moments of my career have been each time I reach out to a previous client and they are happy to hear from me. There is nothing more gratifying than being able to foster those relationships and bring continued success to those clients.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
~ Winston Churchill
Q: Looking back - if you could advise a younger version of yourself to do something different - what would it be?
I would definitely tell the young Nicole to never be afraid of failing. Failure is part of growing and moving forward. I love Winston Churchill’s quote… “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Failing is part of the process of learning and growing. It is continuous effort and persistence that is the key to unlocking our potential.
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