The CEO and founder of Inspired Living, Keri Murphy is committed to empowering people all over the world to “Dream it. Live it. BE it!”

This international speaker, media expert and business mentor honed her expertise in the television and entrepreneurial field for over 20 years. She now helps entrepreneurs and business visionaries build an influential brand. A veteran of television with appearances on MTV, E!, FOX and NBC (to name a few), Murphy brings her hard-worn entrepreneurial knowledge and on-camera expertise to her clients through public speaking, mentoring and her Inspired Living TV web series, helping them to bridge the gap between having a dream and making it a profitable reality. She was chosen to be a mentor for the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurs and has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs from around the world share their message, use video powerfully and create an influential brand. Keri’s signature “IT Factor” training is the most sought out on-camera training for entrepreneurs in the US and had been featured on CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and many more.She’s a warm, honest, funny and captivating teacher who can spot and cultivate the “IT Factor” in her clients and students—and help them shine on-stage, on-camera, and in their lives and businesses.

Q: Why did you choose your present industry at this time?

We all know video is the #1 way to connect with your ideal client online however less than 25% of entrepreneurs are using video effectively. As someone who has always integrated video into business, I know how to teach entrepreneurs how to authentically share their message on-camera and scale video to impact lives as well as their income.

Q: What is the best/worst moment you can remember in your career?

Back in 2009, I ended up closing my talent agency which was devastating. It forced me to start completely over and get clear on what my unique genius was in the world.  It was a really difficult time however I'm so thankful for the tough lessons I learned or I would not be where I am today. It taught me how important mentorship really is and the power of the mind.

Q: Who is your role model or hero?

This is a tough question because I have so many incredible role models in my life. If I think about the person who has been the catalyst in helping me become the woman I am today, it's definitely my mom. She always encouraged me to follow my passion, try new things and was always there to pick me up when I feel like I "failed". I've since learned there really is no such thing as failure, just an opportunity to grow and learn. My mom raised 3 independent, loving girls- she's an incredible woman!

I've since learned there really is no such thing as failure, just an opportunity to grow and learn.

~ Keri Murphy

Q: Tell us about the exact moment you came up with your business idea. How did you decide to go ahead with that one, instead of others?

I’ll never forget the moment, I was very new to the coaching and digital marketing world and found myself watching a video of a very well known coach in my industry. The video seemed very inauthentic and cheesy to me, at that moment a light bulb went off…"I can teach entrepreneurs how to authentically show up on-camera!" I have taught acting since I was a teenager, worked as an on-camera talent for over 25 yrs and developed brands and people my whole life. Combining that with my 20 years as an entrepreneur seemed like the perfect fit, and it was. I never looked back and video only becomes more and more relevant in every business model. Inspired Living is the perfect combination of all my skill sets as well as my passion to be an agent of positive change in the world.

Inspired Living is the perfect combination of all my skill sets as well as my passion to be an agent of positive change in the world.

~ Keri Murphy

Q: What is your favorite book?

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.

Q: Do you use any specific method or system to run daily operations of your business?

Yes, my method is to trust my team. We have a lot of systems and tools in place such as Asana, Slack, and infusionsoft to run Inspired Living however none of those tools matter if you don't have a great team in place to oversee it all. They say team work makes the dream work and nothing could be more true!

They say team work makes the dream work and nothing could be more true!

~ Keri Murphy

Q: Looking back - if you could advise a younger version of yourself to do something different - what would it be?

TRUST YOURSELF! I think as women entrepreneurs we often doubt our capabilities and if we can truly create the vision we see for our lives. Our intuition is such a gift and the more we learn to listen and trust it the better our lives become.  
