Jennifer Helene, M.S. is an expert in health and nutrition. A former FORD model, MasterChef cast member, and serial entrepreneur, she creates methodologies that conceive innovation before circumstances demand it. She is a member of the Forbes Coaching Council, an exclusive invitation only community.
She speaks fluent French and German, and has spent 15 years abroad immersing herself in learning about transformation, health, and growing international businesses. She holds an M.S. in Nutrition and has been consulting groups, companies and individuals for over a decade on Lifestyle Medicine. She believes that your daily practice is your most powerful medicine.
Q: What inspired you to join Noble Manhattan and what were the main challenges you faced?
Coaching has been my vocation for over a decade. While coaching and working with individuals and groups was inspiring, I knew I could be more impactful building businesses and educational platforms. Training coaches, consulting leaders and leading programs with Noble Manhattan has provided the opportunity and challenge I envisioned: Making a bigger impact by collaborating with teams to inspire development and growth.
I also know I want to work for and with CEOs like Gerard O’Donovan who walk the walk, not just talk the talk. As a man of integrity, he demands high standards and only does business with a win-win mindset and other principles in alignment with my value system. At Noble Manhattan, one of the main challenges has been collaborating to improve the design and launch of our accredited coach training programs to produce excellent coaches while providing meaningful support, and an accurate mix of mindfulness, practice, and mentoring.
The main challenges are marketing and growth related, expanding the company to the US market. Working to introduce the brand, its quality, care and community, to the public is an arduous task. Since quality coaching makes a difference for the relationship and outcomes between coach and the client, we are committed to accelerate responsible decision making and results through expanding our educational programs to as many people as possibly.

Q: In your opinion, what are some key opportunities in the life & executive coach training space going forward?
Looking into the future I see key opportunities in the life & executive coach training space - support by more rigorous quality control and legislation; the creation of standards so credentials have more legitimacy; coaching attains its place in the world as a valuable complement to therapy or consulting. There is even a tremendous opportunity in health care to revolutionize mental health and wellness, disease prevention and treatment, bridging the gap so that the patient takes more responsibility, building self-reliance with the establishment of an accredited wellness or health coach.
Q: What's your business model, and how have you grown your revenue?
My business model has been online program sales of a variety of Applied Lifestyle Medicine Education, as well as accredited coach training programs for individuals and organizations who are interested in career change, professional performance and business optimization. Our revenue grows when we enroll participants and strategically align with individuals and organizations with communities which are eligible to benefit from our life-changing educational programs.
Q: Do you think luck played a role in the success of your company?
I believe your potential, life, and good fortune, opens up for you when you are aligned with your purpose, when you live in harmony with nature, and if you are a compassionate, empathetic person who takes consistent actions everyday for the benefit and improvement of humankind. The choice and commitment to change with professional and lifestyle practices that comes from coaching entails embracing fear and freedom, and not everyone is willing to take this level of radical responsibility and integrity. When you live in alignment with principles and life rules, things fall into place. Some call it “synchronicity,” others call it “luck,” I call it alignment. It is a formula, a road map, a process by which to make choices and live life to the fullest. Some say wisdom is knowledge in action, I count on foresight, commitment, focus, and following through with a discernment of ingredients, boldness with boundaries, all required for success.
Q: What are your goals for the future?
My goals for the future involve scaling all the programs both those established and others I’Il have created and will continue to develop to inspire more people and make a larger impact for humanity - encouraging more health, peace, and alignment with nature’s laws, and expanding freedom and quality of life. I would like to keep learning and connecting, speaking on stage, on podcasts, and continue writing articles, programs, books, etc. sharing the decades of wisdom I have gathered across the globe with increasingly larger audiences. Additionally, I am interested in curating and scaling deep dive experiential retreats on and off line for individuals and groups who are ready for intensives in relationship building, health reset, and spiritual awakening.
Q: If you had to start over, what would you do differently?
If I had to start over, I would become a psychologist, M.D. or a D.O.
A psychologist to develop a path to wellness. M.D. for notoriety and respect, D.O. for the understanding of fascia and root sourced resolution of health issues as a once and for all solution to the problems of our status quo Institutional failures. I also believe and trust that my life is unfolded as perfect, and each event occurred for specific reasons leading up to this moment, providing me with all the lessons and skills I need to live my purposeful life.
Q: Can you talk about one woman who has impacted your life?
One woman who has impacted my life is my mother, Priscialla. Larger than life, she taught me to believe in myself, and ingrained in my heart/mind that I could do anything. She modeled how to love and celebrate life each day anew. My mother was an inspiration as an example of resilience, unconditional love, righteousness, faith in the face of seeming despair, devotion to traditional family values, and the joy of creating. My mother loved me unwaveringly, and this has impacted how I respond to life as an adult. I have faith and a positive outlook on the world – expecting life to turn out well. She exuded love as naturally as the sun shines as do I.
Q: What are your favorite books?
There are so many! A few of my favorite books are Letting Go (David Hawkins), Getting Real (Susan Campbell), and Conscious Eating (Gabriel Cousnens), Your Body Speaks your Mind (Deb Shapiro), Light on Life (B.K.S. Iyengar), The Essene Gospels of Peace (Edmond Bordeaux Szekely), Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenburg), Spark (John Ratey), The Diamond Cutter (Geshe Michael Roach and Lama Christie McNally).
Q: What's your advice for female founders who are just starting out?
My advice for female founders who are just starting out would be to trust your gut. Not your mind, your gut. Your body speaks the truth, not your mind. Learn to cultivate this channel of communication.
I would also say to follow your passion while staying grounded. Finding the balance between taking risk to grow both personally and professionally, and the safety needed is the sweet spot to finding success.
Don’t sweat the small stuff, keep the larger picture in sight at all times. Understanding and accepting that if you fail, it doesn’t mean ANYTHING about you, it only means you are smarter and this perspective will take you further faster. Negativity and getting stuck in your story will hold you back more than anything else. With tenacity, make the necessary shifts internally (emotionally), and everything else will improve instantaneously.