A native of Memphis, Tennessee, Keisha R. Perry Walker is a dual graduate of the University of Tennessee. She received her Juris Doctorate Degree from the College of Law in 2004 and her bachelor's degree from The College of Business in 2001. In 1997, Mrs. Perry Walker was the first African American to graduate from The Hutchison School since its inception in 1902. Mrs. Perry Walker is currently admitted to practice in Georgia where she is a member of the Sports and Entertainment Law Section. She served as a member of the Finance Committee of C5 Georgia, a member of The Recording Academy, Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association (BESLA), and The American Bar Association. She also served as a founding board member of the Atlanta-based Black Music Month Foundation. She is often solicited to speak on panels to provide legal expertise and often volunteers her time mentoring and speaking to middle school, high school, and college students.
After working in a mid-size debt collection law firm for nearly a year after graduating law school, Mrs. Perry Walker was ready for a change. At the encouragement of her mentor, John F. Christmas, Mrs. Perry Walker started The Perry Law Group in June of 2005. Although hesitant to become a solo practitioner, Mrs. Perry Walker’s desire to reach the next level overcame the paralysis of her fear. Since establishing The Perry Law Group, Mrs. Perry Walker has served clients nationally and internationally in all of the Firm’s practice areas. Her past and current clients include small business owners, start-ups, independent labels, artists, producers, songwriters, managers, real estate investors, and influencers. Mrs. Perry Walker has assisted businesses and individuals resolve their legal issues and helped her clients avoid costly litigation. She aims to serve as a source of knowledge to equip her clients to become leaders in their respective industries. Mrs. Perry Walker is ecstatic about the opportunity she has been able to provide to high school, college, and law students through The Perry Law Group’s internship and mentoring program.
Q: What inspired you to found {business} and what were the main challenges you faced?
I started my own law firm out of a desire to chart my own path in the entertainment industry. I had spent the prior year working for a mid-size debt collection Firm, and I hated the work I was doing, but it paid the bills. I had a desire to practice entertainment law, but I had no experience, no clientele, and most law firms that I was interested in would not allow me to primarily focus on entertainment law without coming in with a book of business. I found a mentor who taught me the ropes and encouraged me to start my own law firm. I took his advice and almost 18 years later, I am a key player in the field. I have faced challenges from sexism, racism, no-moneyism (lol), staff turnover, pretty much the gamut of what comes with being an entrepreneur.
Q: Did you start the venture alone?
I launched The Perry Law Group (“PLG”) in June 2005 as a solo practitioner. My only history in running a business, let alone a law firm, came from my family’s history in operating a tax preparation business. I was the owner, secretary, assistant, receptionist, Human Resources manager, and accountant. I built my Firm on the philosophy of what I would want to experience if I worked for PLG or worked with us. Professionalism, timeliness, and a customized personal experience from when the phones are answered to when the final product is delivered.
Q: What's your business model, and how have you grown your revenue?
The business model for PLG has been a hybrid of service excellence and bespoke legal services. We tailor our clients’ needs according to what they think they need and what we know they need while allowing them to remain in control of their budget. I have expanded revenue by building expertise and relationships in ancillary areas that I know my clients will need even if they do not understand the value presently. As we deal with high-net-worth individuals, making sure they are aware of the need for estate planning and a certified financial advisor to assist in their long-term success. Understanding finance models, brand awareness and monetization, and business expansion do not per se fall under the legal realm, but it falls under the strategy services that we provide for clients. This value added has served as a significant revenue generator.