Melissa Machat is the Founder of Re-Align Coaching and Consulting and helps empower and teach entrepreneurs how to elevate their mindset. She is a certified Neruo-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner and Mental and Emotional Release Specialist. Her background is actually in residential real estate and after eight years of being educated by multiplate coaching organizations she is focusing on her own coaching business. She wants people to understand that your mindset can control your outcomes and results.
Q: What's your background, and what are you working on?
My background is in theatre and dance and stage management before I decided to get a ‘real job’ in residential real estate in 2009. The last 12 years have been building my real estate business and learning everything about sales, mindset, leadership, hiring, and building wealth which is what I am now teaching other entrepreneurs. I’m currently building digital courses around these topics as well as group programs to help entrepreneurs get out of their own way and scale their business with ease. My main program is a group course all about finding your ideal assistant and walking you through the hiring process, and then an online course for your new assistant to train themselves!
Q: What motivated you to get started with Re-Align?
I had been feeling stuck and burned out in real estate for years and didn’t know what else I could do because I felt like I wasn’t successful enough to do anything else. I struggled with my mindset and anxiety for years and constantly felt like I wasn’t good enough or something was wrong with me and if I couldn’t build this huge real estate business then how could I start my own businesses in other areas. I went on a personal development journey to figure out what was wrong with me and attended multiple seminars and programs to help find the answer and I always walked away feeling inspired, yet still stuck. I went to an NLP course and it was the first time I learned why I felt the way that I did and tools to do something about it. I was completely empowered and inspired and started my business, taught my first class, and had my first paying client within 30 days of that course. I realized this message needs to get out there and everyone needs to understand why they are feeling burned out or stuck and I know what to do to get them out of their own way.
Q: How have you attracted customers and grown Re-Align?
I’d say it’s a combination of my real estate connections and social media. Teaching and speaking are the best ways to build your audience and attract the people who resonate with your message, and I also believe in joining mastermind groups and building your network and connections as well.
Q: What's your business model, and how have you grown your revenue?
It started out thinking it would be one on one coaching and something didn’t feel right about that. I realized teaching and speaking are what I love doing and my gifts so how could I turn that into a business? That’s when I learned about digital courses and group programs which is what I’m building out now and I believe in diversifying your revenue streams so now it’s a combination of live group programs, digital courses you can purchase and do on your own time, consulting, and speaking.
Q: What are your goals for the future?
My goals are to be a featured keynote speaker and have multiple courses and programs to help entrepreneurs. Life is too short to be miserable and I’m learning that most of the time we are the ones causing our own misery and frustration. I know I have a gift to share with the world and magic happens when you get out of your own way and get realigned to who you truly are. I also plan on owning multiple businesses, investing in other businesses, building wealth through owning rental properties, and giving back to animal rescues and helping them become sustainable.
Q: What are the biggest challenges you've faced and obstacles you've overcome?
The biggest challenges I’ve faced were my own limiting beliefs and allowing fear to hold me back. I was following someone else’s rules and definition of success and completely lost myself in the real estate business because I thought I had to become someone else to be taken seriously and be successful. I was looking for answers in all of the wrong places which led me to some toxic partnerships thinking that would solve my problems. It wasn’t until I realized I needed to find myself again that things started falling into place and I can see now that those experiences taught me everything so I can do exactly what I’m doing today.
Q: Have you found anything particularly helpful or advantageous?
Stay true to who you are and what it is that you are creating. It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing and how they’re doing it and thinking that’s the only path and way to get there. Most of the time you get stuck, frustrated, and burned out when you are not staying true to who you are. What is your definition of success and what is the ideal life you want to create?
Q: What's your advice for female founders who are just starting out?
Get really clear about the life you want to create and what the business looks like. Once you are clear, find a mentor or coach who has built their own business in a way that aligns with your vision and I always ask who can help you make it happen? No one succeeds alone and the years I spent trying to figure it out on my own or following someone else’s methods that weren't in alignment with the way I envisioned my business caused a lot of the mindset challenges I faced. The secret to success is being clear on what you are creating and finding support who can help you make it happen in a way that’s true to who you are.