Meet Whitney Alexandra, she is a performance coach for top women entrepreneurs who want to create limitless wealth and a fabulous life beyond their dreams. Whitney loves to talk about money and how she has been helping women for 20+ years grow their businesses.
Q: Tell us about yourself
I’ve spent more than 20 years working with powerful business leaders to unlock their peak potential, which has included everything from supporting CEOs at billion-dollar companies prep for major mergers and company transitions to guiding entrepreneurs out of overwhelm and into freedom, growth and six-figure months.
Through my signature approach rooted in evidence-based performance coaching strategies, my clients experience transformational shifts in a fraction of the time—often up-leveling every area of their lives and businesses in a matter of mere months.
In 2023, I was named a member of the prestigious Forbes Business Council. As a thought leader and contributor on this global platform, my focus is on opening up higher-level conversations and connections to women entrepreneurs all over the world.
Q: What inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship?
I’ve always been very entrepreneurial. I started working in the talent industry as a teenager and learned about the power of building a personal brand and relationships. This helped immensely as I started a corporate career in marketing and strategy. About 10 years later, my dream role ended when the company I worked for was being sold. I realized in an instant that I wanted to create my own story and could help so many founders with the performance skillset I had learned. I took the leap from corporate and have loved every minute of my incredible entrepreneurial journey.
Q: What has been the biggest challenge when taking the leap to being an entrepreneur?
Mindset has always been the biggest challenge for me in taking the leap and continuing to reach new levels of success. It’s why I chose to focus on performance and helping clients break through these same mental barriers to achieve their goals. We are capable of so much more than we believe is possible - the mental game can either hold us back or elevate us to reach new heights. In working with hundreds of entrepreneurs, I realized so many are playing it safe with their dreams and that my expertise could help them overcome these challenges in a fraction of the time.
Q: What is your unique approach as a performance coach?
I work closely with a very small group of CEOs and entrepreneurs. Our work always begins with a conversation about desire. It’s critical that every client is truly excited about their goal and is ready to relentlessly pursue it. I find clients work best with 90 day goals, so we map out a custom performance plan that highlights our roadmap together. Every client has a custom hypnotic recording that we create, which aligns their mind to their specific goal and works to make it happen quickly. As we work together over the year we are constantly updating their custom recording, removing limiting beliefs and implementing quicker to get better results.
Q: How did you start to integrate hypnosis into your coaching? And what are the benefits?
I started integrating hypnosis and elevated mindset work because I saw a common theme with my clients. They had incredible expertise, tools and the right strategies to be successful, but their mindset was holding them back. The subconscious mind is a powerful force and right now it is creating the reality each of us live with. The fastest way to change your life and your results is to reprogram your subconscious mind to think better thoughts, beliefs, goals and dreams that are aligned with what you truly desire. By using these tools, we can quickly understand the limiting belief holding someone back, and replace it with a powerful new script that makes them feel unstoppable. There are many benefits to this practice, including: more confidence, improved self-talk, achieving desired goals faster, more wealth and embracing new beliefs that make you feel limitless.
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